Friday, July 20, 2012

What's on the banner photo?

This is from Medfield State Hospital, the first post I've ever done through the venue called "Creepy-chusetts, Strange-chusetts". It was... about 2 years ago. Medfield State Hospital is a now defunct psychiatric hospital open to public to wander around.

What's the instrument? It looks like for something with music or art therapy. Everything I saw was a great mystery or "discovery" waiting to tell its story. Looking thorough the past pictures, I feel the purpose of my blog (or even my life) is to function as a medium between our everyday life and forgotten or neglected.

I only have 10 days or so in Boston. There are so many places I wanted to visit. Perhaps, I should visit Danvers State Hospital and its cemetery again.


  1. When I saw this piece of furniture sitting out on the porch I was also wondering what it was. I've seen office furniture like this before, but can't remember where, or when. My initial guess is it is some piece of furniture that might be used as an adaptive tool for someone with a physical disability. I imagine it holding up a book, though, I must say, it's just my imagination speaking.

    1. Hi Jason,

      So you saw the same furniture sitting on (probably) the same location two years after...that thought reminds me Chernobyl or Fukushima.

      My husband thought the hospital workers (or could be patients) made the instrument out from a bed frame. Imagination goes wild.


    2. It does look a bit like a bed frame!

  2. I have recently walked through Medfield State Hospital but didn't see what building was this found? Could it have come from the kitchen building, as other photos I've seen show similar looking stands...when was the last time either of you were at MSH?

    1. It was 2 years ago. I believe the building was on the northeast corner nearby the water tower.

    2. Yes. That's exactly where it was when I was last at Medfield two weeks ago. It's near the back of the property.

  3. i was there in may. it was amazing (but i think i told you already?). i still have to make a post about that.... maybe sometime this week!

    yes, you should visit danvers. i thought it was so pretty there, on the hill. but very sad that they demolished almost everything of it, and replaced it with those cheaply built apartments.
    if you go, i wonder if you are able to find the second cemetery? when reading wikipedia, it seems there are actually 2, but i found only one!

    1. Uh, I missed the chance of revisiting Danvers. Well, I can visit there'll just take 90 min via I 90...
