Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lyme Disease Alert!

Hi all,

I've been away from blogging for last one month. I have been feeling unwell for a month, and after seeing a few doctors: I have Lyme Disease!

I always explore the places I introduce in this blog with heavy protection -- boots, long pants, long sleeve, and bug spray -- because I know there are lots of bugs and poisonous plants in the woods. A interviewer in the past warned me about Deer Ticks, so I knew the danger of it. 

I was off guard when I visited the Minuteman National Park in late May. It was a Sunday type, spur of the moment decision so my gear wasn't as sufficient as it should be.

I saw a brown bug sticking on my leg few days later. I thought it must be a deer tick so I decided to be cautious for next one month. I need to emphasize that no bulls eye rash developed on my skin!

Three weeks later, I began noticing a tenderness around an armpit area. I thought it was a hair removal fail; the tick didn't bite there. A few days later my temperature reached 100 f, which is very high for me. After the temperature broke I recognized a red rash around the armpit area.

First doctor I saw was a MESS. She quickly disregarded my concern because I DIDN'T HAVE A BULL'S EYE!! Over 20% of patients don't develop one! Instead, she diagnosed me with other kind of bacterial infection and prescribed a Cephem antibiotic, which is useless with Lyme Disease. I was completely unhappy with the visit. Ok she did a Lyme Disease test but it turned out to be negative, I believe, because they didn't call back for the result.

Even after taking all the antibiotics prescribed, the rash got worsen. I began noticing a rash on my back, too. I developed a sensitivity on an area of my skin. So I decided to see another doctor, which was about a week ago.

Oh boy, he listened to me! He administered a blood test again, telling me that it is not always accurate. Then he prescribed Tetracycline for 2 weeks. The rash began diminishing next day. It's working!

The doctor called me yesterday that I DO have Lyme Disease. I hope I can clear the bacteria, I'm anxious. The doctor is optimistic about my recovery because it was caught in the early stage.

Everyone! Watch out!!

PubMed Health: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002296/
Lyme Disease Map Project: https://sites.google.com/site/lymediseasemapproject/

It's a shame that I couldn't visit places last month, because I'll be moving to Western Massachusetts soon.


  1. Sorry to hear that, Shuko! Best wishes on the recovery and upcoming move west.

  2. oh no!
    i was already wondering why there wasnt any new update!
    hope you get better soon...
    when we go out exploring, we are not very careful, i have to say. with shorts and skirts and no bugspray.. maybe i should be more careful indeed!

    1. Hi CaT,

      Ticks yikes...very icky and NASTY! I'm getting better, but it'll be a long battle to combat all the nasty bacteria out of my body. They are the least invited guests, EVER!

      I'll be moving to Western Mass soon. It's regrettable that I couldn't do any bloggin' last month. Time to pack, pack and pack...


  3. oooh, good luck with both then!!
    i assume there is a lot to explore there as well?
    i will check for updates..!

    1. Hi, Shuko,

      Hoping that you recover well with that Lyme disease.

      I want to thank you for finding the Working Boys' Home. There was absoutely nothing out there about that wonderful place for boys.
      I thank you for letting me share my story about my stay there. Plus, a few of us boys have reconnected in a way.
      Thanks, again Shuko, Love & blessings to you.
      Pete (Eaglebeak) Corbett, aka Irishmoose. WBH 1949-1953.

    2. Hi Pete,

      I hope you can have a reunion of the boys!!

      Thanks always.

